Are you ready to take your life to the next level? My mentoring program is here to help you unlock your full potential and move beyond any unconscious patterns holding you back. Get ready to create a life you absolutely love by tapping into the power of your own infinite wisdom and following the guidance of your superconscious!
Becoming the CREATOR
of your life!
Are you sitting back and waiting for life to happen?
Are you ignoring the signs calling you to create change?
Is there tension (and a feeling of impossibility) between where you are and where you'd like to be?
What if you could access guidance on the steps to bridge where you are today to the future you truly desire?
Here's the path we'll take to step you into the powerful creator you came here to be-
Gain clarity on what you TRULY want
Most people are lost between
1) Not knowing what they truly want (only what they don't want)
2) Not believing they can have what they want
Knowing what you do want and WHY you want it is the most powerful creative force you can harness. We do not live in the realm of people taking time to really be with themselves to figure this out. Without knowing what you truly want (beyond conditioning you may not recognise) it's like driving the bus of life with closed eyes and hoping for the best!
YES, what you want, your deeply connected, true end choices, are waiting for you.
YES, you get to have healthy, harmonious relationships (not same/same arguments with your spouse).
YES, you get to have a flourishing, purposeful career (not dead end jobs where you question your worth).
YES, you get to decide what social gatherings feel right for you (not burn out keeping others happy).
YES, you get to remain calm in difficult conversations (not lose yourself in over-explaining or justifying).
YES, you get to enjoy the body you're in (not look in the mirror and feel ashamed).
YES, you get to change where you live on a whim (not settle for a life of safety or monotony).
YES you can create what you want and YES it is available to you and YES I can't wait to show you how!!
Manage stress, grief, overwhelm & overthinking
Regain control of your life, no matter the curve ball, by learning to neutralise the emotional charge in a way that honours the feelings without giving over your power to them. Your emotions deserve the space to be expressed in healthy ways but they do not need to hold you back from going after a life you'd love to live.
Access your highest potential
Learn how to connect with your own source of creative wisdom (your super-conscious) to go after the things you desire. Lean in, listen, sense and instinctively know the guidance of your super-conscious and design the perfect path as the ultimate creator of your life.
Take action
Creating is healing!! Creating takes action!! Create the perfect action steps divinely guided by your super-conscious. Be the powerful creator you were born to be and bridge the gap between where you are today to where you know you want your life to be.
Mentor Journey
This is your journey, one that will unfold in a way that brings you closer to your own knowing, to the answers you are searching for and a clearer picture of the action you need to take to get you there.
These deep dive sessions will continue to connect you with your superconscious power to move through and neutralise emotions and dysfunctional patterns.
You will also access all your own infinite wisdom around your highest potential and completely redesign your life, opportunities and relationships.
If you are ready, you have an opportunity to step into a whole new way of being and create a beautifully aligned and purposeful life.
60 min In-Person
Length of Mentorship is dependant on individual needs and outcomes, however a min of 4 sessions is required.
You Will Love It If~
You are looking for a safe and non-judgemental sharing space and want to be radically honest with yourself.
You are investing primarily in discovering the depths of who you are and your highest potential and are willing to be accountable for how you feel at all times.
You are open to inner child work and exploring the connection between past experiences and their influence on your current outcomes.
You understand there is more than just our human experience and are willing to explore different levels of consciousness, dysfunctional belief patterns, and intuitive practices.
You are willing to commit to making different choices to obtain different outcomes and honour that this is solely your responsibility.
You are coming to this partnership with a curious mind and a desire to create experiences beyond what you could ever imagine.
Quinn, Qld
"Andrea's gift is how in-tune she is with what I'm experiencing. It's more how little she says, she listens and then hits the nail on the head. She is amazing, I highly recommend her."
Melissa, Dubai
"Andrea has offered me the safety to really address my life and choices and create the changes I desperately needed in my fast paced life. Her ability to see beyond what most other people do and continue to encourage me to follow my own guidance is rare."
Deb, Vic
“I completely changed my life working with Andrea. I was resigned to the fact I was going to feel stuck and unhappy for ever. Andrea helped me have the courage to create opportunities and experiences I thought only other people had. I don't even recognise my old self.”